Described in the Edinburgh Guide as having a razor sharp wit, comedian Nick Gibb won the 2011 Billy T Award, given by the New Zealand Comedy Trust. It is New Zealand’s most prestigious comedy award and recognises New Zealand comedians with outstanding potential.
Nick Gibb talks about the time of his life at the Edinburgh Festival.
Born and raised in Palmerston North, Nick spent six years developing his skills as a sketch comedian and improvisor in his home town before taking his stand-up routines on the road in 2007. He was quickly recognized as one of the New Zealand's best new comedians. He won the 2010 Wellington Raw Comedy Competition and was a finalist in the National Raw Comedy Competition.
After Nick's performance at the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, critics described his strengths: “Gibb is quite simply a terrific storyteller, hooking the audience in as soon as he begins his hilarious anecdotes.”
In addition to stand-up, Nick is the co-founder of cult online comic Dead Philosophers in Heaven, has appeared on TV3’s 7 Days, co-wrote and performed in the stage play Go On Spike, and made a feature length documentary called Once Upon a Time In The West Bank.
"My first real foray into comedy was doing late-night improv at Centrepoint Theatre. While working on many personal projects over the years, I’ve shamelessly exploited the vibrant pool of professional creative talent that surrounds Centrepoint, as well as the theatre itself, which remains my favourite performance venue."